15 Best Unwritten and Basic Rules of Poker - PokerHigh

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15 Best Unwritten and Basic Rules of Poker

A good understanding of poker etiquette and the unwritten poker rules will improve the game and the atmosphere at the table for everyone – and it can also help you win more.

There are many dos and don’ts in this space, so today we will summarize the complete set of unwritten poker rules for live games.

Basic Rules of Poker – How to make a living playing poker?

In 2023, playing poker is still a viable source of income. But it’s not simple. These days, becoming a winning player requires a lot of effort. You must also exercise extreme discipline. But for some people, like me, earning a living at poker gives us a lot of freedom. 

However, there are a lot of various things at play here. It depends on your level of expertise, work ethic, and personal circumstances. It might be possible for some people to make a life playing poker. Not for others. So before learning to play poker you must also know about the basic rules of poker.

Basic Rules of Poker #1 – Claiming you have a winning hand in a showdown when you don’t.

But because he threw his hand into a pile of other cards, it was decided to give the pot to the first player.

Pretty unfair, right?

You should never deliberately try to trick someone into doing what you want or divulge more information. Play your game and be fair to others.

Basic Rules of Poker #2  Never scroll slowly

Slow scrolling is considered one of the worst things you can do while gaming, so you should avoid it at all costs. This is one of the most essential points under the poker rules.

Now the question that – how to be a professional poker player? This is when you know you have the best hand but refuse to show it in time, giving the other player the illusion of winning.

If you do it to disguise your hold while you’re still in the middle of the hand, it’s not a slow roll.

But when the action gets to a showdown or you put all your chips in with the nuts, you should reveal your hand before your opponent thinks he’s ahead.

It’s a matter of simple respect and good poker etiquette.

So instead of showing bad manners and slow scrolling when you have the chance, show some grace and act like a winner.

Basic Rules of Poker #3 Don’t be a time waster

I hate it when players keep taking more time than they need, even for simple decisions. When you’re in a big sweat or have a tough decision to make in 3 card poker rules and basic rules of poker, you should take as much time as you need to consider different options to find the most profitable game.

However, there are plenty of players who consistently take longer to complete each individual move. They take a while to decide if they want to raise or fold pre-flop and often end up blowing the hand after everyone is wasting time.

It’s annoying, so don’t do it. Some players also tend to waste a lot of time pretending to have a tough decision after the flop when they are sure they will fold.

LAP- How to play loose-aggressive poker by following Poker rules?

However, not every LAG is the same. However, LAG players that are skilled at the finer points of playing loose-aggressive poker almost always know where they are in a hand and will fold to opposition. Poor LAGs are frequently careless and will never locate a fold. The former can be annoying to play against, but the latter, if you’re not careful, can completely deplete your bankroll and stack.

If you know you’re going to screw up, just do it. There’s no need to pretend you’re thinking about your decision just to look smarter or build your image, because frankly, no one cares.

In addition, you should not engage in other activities while in hand.

Don’t waste time using your phone, watching TV or chatting with someone when it’s your turn. You can do all this after composition.

All this just slows down the game and forces you to play fewer hands per hour, which translates into less profit.

So not only is it rude, but it also hurts your bottom line at the end of the day.

Basic Rules of Poker #4 Don’t call for classes unless necessary

If you think someone is taking too much time to make a decision, you can ask the floorman to limit their time, which is known as a “time call”.

Typically, a player has 60 seconds to act after being called the clock.

It’s rarely a big deal, but I’ve seen players do it too early and not give opponents a chance to think the decision through.

Always treat your opponents with respect and give them a chance to think when they have a really big decision about a large part of their stack.

Call the clock only when things are getting out of hand and another player is thinking much longer than is normal at that point or is being a deliberate time waster. This is one of the most important poker rule you must always remember.

Basic Rules of Poker #5 Always act promptly

You should only announce your move when it’s your time to do so. If you have a player in front of you who is still thinking, never announce your action.

By acting out of turn, you give the player extra information, which is really unfair to the others at the table – and extremely rude.

You could mess up your whole hand!

I know players generally don’t do this on purpose, but unfortunately, quite a few make this mistake “accidentally”, which is still their fault.

To avoid this, carefully follow the following poker rule.

Basic Rules of Poker #6 Pay attention to the action

If you always pay attention to what is happening on the table, you can easily avoid acting out of turn.

You’ll also speed up the game, which is always an added bonus.

Don’t be that guy who always forgets to put the “ante” in the middle of the table, or is listening to music and constantly misses what the dealer is saying.

In poker rules, what is vital is the way you follow it. While this is not against the official rules, it is somewhat disrespectful to others, so you should try to avoid it.

Basic Rules of Poker #7 Stay silent unless you are in hand

Another example of bad poker etiquette or not following poker rules is talking when you are not in the game.

It can distract other players and give away information even when you don’t want it to.

You should avoid not only talking to players who are still playing, but also chatting with others at the table.

It can drastically complicate the decision-making process and distract players.

Basic Rules of Poker #8 Do not reveal your holding while others are still playing

Even if all the action is closed and you see players all-in, you should not declare your cards.

It can be tempting to share what you had when you see a tight raise like a flip and know what you folded on some outs. However, no one wants to know that they have a lower chance of hitting, so let them sweat their hands and keep this information to themselves.

That being said, revealing a hand when players are already all-in isn’t the worst thing you can do.

Basic Rules of Poker #9 Don’t show your hand to anyone while playing

Even if you are sitting next to your friend who has already folded, you should never reveal your hold as they may inadvertently reveal the strength of your hand or try to give advice.

Basic Rules of Poker #10 Honouring the leader

When gamers treat dealers disrespectfully, I don’t get it. These men are simply going about their difficult but necessary work. You need to realise that they have no influence over the outcome of the hand, thus it’s not their fault if your opponent takes down a sizable pot. Talking back to the dealer won’t be of any assistance to you. They do occasionally make mistakes, of course, but that shouldn’t be used as an excuse to treat them poorly.

Basic Rules of Poker #11 Do not Complain

Even though grumbling about bad beats is silly, many gamers like doing so.

Even if someone strikes 2-outer on the river to steal a sizable pot from under your nose, it is still not cause to start complaining about your bad luck and claiming that you consistently lose in the same situations. These rhythms come and go for everyone.

Basic Rules of Poker #12  Do not teach others how to play

When someone tries to instruct others on how to play poker, it is really unpleasant.

Even if you are aware that someone erred, there is no need to point it out or make fun of them (unless they are a complete novice).

Everyone is playing how they want, and it will only benefit you if they continue to make mistakes.

Basic Rules of Poker #13 Avoid Hit and Run

Avoid being the “hit and run” player when playing cash games. When someone wins a sizable pot at the start of their session, they immediately stand up and depart. The same can be true for later in the session when you win a really large pot.

Basic Rules of Poker #14 Don’t get overjoyed

It might be grating to celebrate excessively. The last thing your opponent needs is someone bragging about their victory after losing a significant pot in the first place. Naturally, there is nothing improper with being content. But fortune can shift suddenly, so remember this poker rule of not getting overjoyed by your wins.

Basic Rules of Poker #15 Put high-value chips in front

Hiding high-value chips behind the stack of lower ones is considered unethical behavior. It can easily mislead other players and create an unpleasant playing environment, so you should try to avoid it.Common sense is all you need, even if you don’t know all the poker rules. When not playing, keep all information private, be considerate of the staff, and avoid bothering other players. Not only will you enjoy the game more as a result of doing this, but your victory percentage will undoubtedly increase.