How to Become a Professional Poker Player? - PokerHigh

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How to Become a Professional Poker Player?

World-class poker players work tremendously hard away from the poker table to achieve the pinnacle of their careers. To be able to apply your knowledge at game speed, you must spend time working through new concepts and also understand the best poker rules. Getting experience on the felt is just as vital as getting experience in the lab.

If you want to become a professional poker player earnings, you’ll need to have a strategy in place. In order to be successful in your poker earnings career, you will need to put in a lot of effort, and having a plan will considerably boost your chances of achieving your objectives. 

Research and understand the game

You must grasp the games you are playing if you want to learn how to play poker. If you’re a cash game player in Texas Hold’em, this involves knowing the intricacies of position, bankroll management, and table selection. When it comes to live tournaments, you’ll need to figure out where the greatest deals are and how to make the most of your trips. That means looking for good hotel packages to stretch your budget further. If you want to play professional poker player earnings online for real money, you’ll need to discover the finest online poker sites.

Consult with other professionals and grinders before you begin. Millions of low-level poker pros are just trying to make ends meet. Daniel Negreanu, who makes $10 million a year playing tournaments and high-stakes cash games, isn’t for everyone. On social media, talk to other professionals about how you can supplement your income with Twitch streams and sponsorship opportunities.\

Know the rules

If you want to learn how to make a living playing poker, this may be the most basic guideline. You will lose money if you enter a game without a thorough understanding of the poker rules and the strategies. The most prevalent and popular poker variant in the world is Texas Hold’em. It’s the simplest to pick up, but it also attracts the most talented players. Determine where you may obtain value from weak players and select the appropriate level to avoid losing money.

However, you can find a variety of unusual variants like Badugi and Razz at online poker sites, where the pool of good players is limited. Learning lesser-known varieties is an excellent method to learn how to play online professional poker player earnings like a master. 

Whatever game you play, you’ll need to understand the following basic poker concepts:

  • Drawing Hands
  • Hand Combinations
  • Ranges
  • Pot Odds
  • Implied Pot Odds
  • Reverse Implied Odds
  • Fold equity
  • ICM (Independent Chip Modeling)
  • Expected Value (EV)

More serious specialists will also understand Game Theory Optimal (GTO). It’s a sophisticated poker strategy for preventing being exploited by other players at the poker table. Mastering GTO, on the other hand, is a must for progressing to the next level as a pro professional poker player earnings.

Practice makes perfect

Do you want to learn how to play poker online and make money? It all comes down to repetition. Because of the large number of hours they put in, online pros will earn a lot of experience. Plus, playing multiple tables at once can enhance your experience. Start by playing two or three tables at once, then gradually expand the number of tables as you gain experience.

If they don’t increase their volume, low-level pros may start at minimum wage. Even so, it’s easy to go on a losing streak or have your profits eaten away by fees and rake. You can get more value out of your extended gaming sessions by practising long and hard at smaller stakes.

Only play winning hands

This may sound self-evident, but when turning pro, it’s critical to choose your hands carefully. Poker is all about skewing the odds in your favour, and the easiest way to get started is to use the appropriate hand selection. Start with a tight-aggressive approach in Hold’em and play premium hands aggressively when in position. When in a late position, just call with marginal cards, but keep an eye on your opponents. This is one of the most voted poker rules to become a professional poker player earnings.

You can utilize a HUD on several online poker sites (Heads-Up Display). These are essential tools in the armoury of a professional player. You may keep track of your opponents’ percentage of pre-flop raises and how frequently they put money into the pot. Use a Push Fold chart if you’re a tournament player seeking to break into the money. Based on your position and stack size, this will provide you with a range of hands with which you should go all-in.

Learn how and when to bluff

You won’t always be dealt a monster at poker. When studying how to become a professional poker player earnings, it’s crucial to master the art of bluffing. Whether you’re playing tournaments, Sit ‘n Gos, or cash games, you’ll need to use your bluffing skills. You must learn to steal the blinds and be more in a more aggressive pre-flop in order to maximize your gains.

If you have a draw, you should also 3-bet the flop and make hefty continuation bets (c-bets) if you’ve missed. It’s all about making the most of any situation regarding how to make living playing poker. Create a persona at the table and prey on the weaker players. Remember to use your HUD or jot down notes on the screen. You can increase your chances of winning by focusing on weak players who are prone to bluffs.

Stay alert

Learning how to play poker online and become a pro is as much about taking care of oneself as it is about understanding pot odds for recreational players. If you decide to become a pro, professional poker player earnings will be your primary focus every working day. You could be staring at a computer screen for up to 16 hours. You can be playing 12 hours a day for several days in a row if you’re travelling to a huge live tournament.

It’s critical that you take care of both your emotional and physical health. To keep sharp at the table, eat sensibly and get plenty of exercises. You’ll also be better able to withstand the inevitable downturns if you take care of your mental health. Every professional poker player earnings will lose money at some point, and if you can’t accept being in the red after a month of hard work, you won’t stay long in the game.

Manage your bankroll

When studying how to become a professional poker player, prudent bankroll management is essential. To deal with the buy-ins, you’ll need a sizable bankroll. However, if you go on a long losing streak, you’ll need to keep some money in reserve.

If you’re a tournament player, take advantage of internet satellites. These can be good value and one of the proven poker rules to get into a tournament for a low cost. If you’re going to play cash games, make sure you have enough cash on hand to cover rebuys. To open several tables and buy back in if you go bust, you’ll need 50-100 buy-ins.

Remember to set aside money for taxes. Professional poker player earnings are subject to income tax on wins, so keep detailed records regardless of whether you win or lose.

Choose the right games

It’s critical to select the best poker version for you. The most popular poker variant is Texas Hold’em, which is widely available both online and in land-based cardrooms. Texas Hold’em has many poker rules and strategies to be followed. Before you begin, figure out what you want to play. If you have a short attention span, you should avoid tournaments and stick to cash games. Grinding cash games, on the other hand, necessitates dedication and a sizable bankroll.

Tournaments may be for you if you like the security of a guaranteed prize pool. If you enjoy tournament tactics but prefer shorter games, you might want to consider becoming a Sit ‘n Go pro.

Every professional poker player earnings maker wants to compete in the world’s most prestigious tournaments, so learn how to get into the World Series of Poker. Understand how satellites function and plan beforehand so that when you arrive in Las Vegas, you can focus on the softest side games.

Play consistently

When it comes to getting pro, it’s all about putting in long hours and achieving high win rates. Poker players must do their homework and set goals. If you’re playing cash games, you’ll need to settle on a win rate that you’re comfortable with. For every 100 hands, that is the average number of huge blinds you win. So, if your win rate is 10bb/100, you’re winning 10 large blinds out of every 100 hands dealt. Any figure greater than 10bb/100 is considered good, but you should aim higher.

If you participate in tournaments, you should consider the return on investment (ROI) (Return on Investment). This is the percentage of your wins that is less than your tournament buy-ins.

Play responsibly

How to play poker responsibly? Well, Learning arithmetic or picking the appropriate game aren’t the only things that go into becoming a professional poker player earnings pro. You must also have a positive attitude toward your bankroll and be able to recognize when to quit.

Poker is a skill game that also includes a lot of gambling. It can be incredibly addictive for some players, especially when they are pursuing losses. Professional poker players will occasionally dabble in other types of gambling, such as sports betting or casino games. In this instance, it’s critical to keep a poker bankroll separate from any other expenses.

You should keep your poker money in a different checking account. If you win a large prize, keep track of everything that comes in and out of your account and make regular withdrawals. Using the services of a financial expert can also be beneficial. They can advise you on how to invest your money and manage your finances.

Also, don’t be scared to ask for a stake from other participants. Staking discussions may be found on most poker forums, where you can pitch for a tournament buy-in in exchange for a share of the winnings. You will not be exposed to any financial risk, and you will be able to keep a percentage of the prize money.

Leave emotion at the door

If you want to learn how to make money at professional poker player earnings, you must have the right mindset. When playing, you should be mentally attentive and avoid hitting the tables if you’re “on tilt.” Even if you make a flawless play, the oddsare always in your favor. Even if a lucky player hits a two-outer against you, you should remain philosophical and accept it as part of the game.

You may prevent tilt and bad attitude if you know that your wise play will gain you money in the long run. Before you sit down to play, check your frustrations and emotions at the door.

Know when to quit

Not every professional poker player earnings will go on to reach the Playoffs of Poker nor will they know all the poker rules. Hundreds of elite players have left the game due to boredom, professional changes, or simply a lack of finances.

Professional poker players quit for a variety of reasons, the most common of which is going bankrupt. They cannot continuously gain an advantage over their opponents and are unable to break through their present stake level. They discover that they are barely getting minimum wage after labouring for 16 hours a day.

If you find yourself in this situation, take the plunge and quit. The appeal of poker is that it is always available. Understanding how to play poker online or in a live event can help you supplement your normal income. You can also enrol in a coaching and staking program and set your own hours.

Remember that you may often make money for free by playing poker online. Most of our top-rated sites have freerolls throughout the week, allowing you to earn some extra cash following the rules of professional poker player earnings while regaining your confidence